Phnom Penh

Cambodia officially known as the Kingdom of Cambodia is once known as the Khmer Empire. The capital city, Phnom Penh is a vibrant and busy city which still maintains considerable charm with plenty to see.



Cambodia has two distinct seasons. The rainy season, which runs from May to October, can see temperatures drop to 22 °C (71.6 °F) and is generally accompanied with high humidity. The dry season lasts from November to April when temperatures can rise up to 40 °C (104 °F) around April. There is some degree of flooding which happens almost every year.

The Cambodian official language is Khmer. However, English is commonly communicated in hotels and business compounds these days.

Cambodia has a dual currency system, where the US dollar (USD) and the Khmer riel (KHR) are accepted widely. There are plenty of ATMs which allows US dollars withdrawals and most international cards are accepted.

Tuk tuks, motorcycles and taxis are the basic forms of transport used by most expats and tourist in Phnom Penh. The bus transport system is almost non-existent within the city unless inter-city travels.

There are different options for accommodation which ranges from house/apartment rental prices range from USD 150 for a room to USD 5000 per month or more for a luxury villa, but most find a place for between USD 200 and USD 800 per month, plus utilities. The price differentiation depends on location, size and condition.

Khmer food is influenced by an interesting mix of countries which includes French and Chinese cuisine; being a French colony with many Chinese immigrants for many years. In the west of the country, the cuisine is, naturally, influenced by the food of neighbouring Thailand while in the east sees the flavours of Vietnamese cuisine.

Cambodian cuisine includes noodles, soups, grills, stir-fried, curries, salads, desserts, lots of vegetables, tropical fruits, and of course rice which is the staple food for Cambodians.

There are several Phnom Penh international schools using American, British, and French curricula.

Phnom Penh offers a great variety of shopping options; from malls to markets which sell everything from handicrafts and homewares to sportswear and souvenirs. Local markets such as Russian Market and Central Market are great places to go for deals on clothing, DVDs, inexpensive electronics, and souvenirs. Phnom Penh finally sees its first “real” mall, Aeon Mall, with air-conditioning, escalators, movie theatres, a bowling alley, and a food court.

Phnom Penh is a city full of attractions and memorable places to visit. Be awed by the interesting touristy sites which includes Royal Palace, the Silver Pagoda, the National Museum, the Toul Sleng Genocide Museum, the Choeng Ek Killing Fields and Wat Phnom. The city is slowly gaining high rise buildings, traffic lights, and western style shopping malls.

Festivals and Events
The Kingdom of Cambodia has a wealth of traditional and cultural festivals dated according to the Cambodian lunar calendar. All of these festivals are influenced by the concepts of Buddhism, Hinduism, and royal cultures.